Improving the practice and performance of contemporary music

Interpretational difficulties

Musical tactics for long sounds and pauses

All of Billone’s pieces are very long and the musical material is so different from what we are accustomed to, that it is difficult to plan a musical tactic for these pieces. In a way, the music is very expressive and gestural, which made me choose for an intuitive approach: not really shaping or phrasing, just seeing what comes next. Using this tactic, you can also achieve his demand of moving from one movement of the piece into another without connection, as a total surprise..

Another difficulty in these pieces are the extreme long “pp” passages and silences. How you will execute this live will depend greatly on your audience and acoustics. If they “allow” you to play out these passages, take advantage of it and try to make them as interesting as possible. If not, you can move on more quickly over these passages and take advantage of the more physical parts.